Michelle Sorro – Eyedentity Thru Fire, Soul, & Embracing Uncertainty
Michelle Sorro, former TV Host turned high six-figure Heart Centered Entrepreneur and Transformational Trainer, shares real talks with global game changers, spiritual luminaries, and high-performance experts in her Fire and Soul a weekly podcast filled with spiritual principles, personal development and business guidance.
Featuring insights from A-Listers Jack Canfield, Panache Desai, Danielle LaPorte, Jairek Robbins, Joseph McClendon III, as well as mini self-development masterclasses, each episode is designed to empower to take immediate, inspired action for cultivating an epically aligned life.
Michelle also teaches entrepreneurs how to start and scale a high-integrity online impact. Areas of expertise include how to develop a high-converting pitch to sell products and services on live video, how to cultivate a deeply engaged online community, and how to create and launch a published podcast.