Inessa Anderson – A Voice of Reason, Rhythm, & Cultural Reflection
A skipping stone from Portland, to Michigan, New York City, and back to Portland. It was theatre and dance worlds in Manhattan. In Portland, total immersion into the radio broadcasting world (KGON, Q105, The BEAT, and KINK), more dance, theatre, art, and endless music. For the last several years, an official “work from home-r” in my at-home studio where I voice commercials as my freelance work, and continue to interview artists, musicians, and anyone that catches my interest. Along the way, I’ve met some of the most influential people in my life. Some becoming friends, and others just a brush-by with greatness and ideas. At anytime, it seems we all get caught up together in the same cultural, political, social feelings, views, ideas, and passions. But there’s always something else out there. Any day or night can reveal something brilliant and big or very small and potent. Feels like riding a wave. And advocating for the next one.
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