Let Poetry Unravel & Befriend Your Universe

Listen to this episode to have your expressive universe forever changed. Matt Hart is the author of FAMILIAR (Pickpocket Books 2022) and nine other books of poems. Additionally, his poems, reviews, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous print and online journals.

Dr. Gregory Shushan: Near Death Experiences & The Afterlife Across Cultures & Time

Gregory Shushan, PhD, is the leading authority on near-death experiences and the afterlife across cultures and throughout history and an award-wining author.

Jim Gaines – Former Life, Time, People Magazines Editor & Best-Selling Author

Jim Gaines is an incredibly important individual in the world of journalism. He’s the former managing editor of Time, Life, and People magazines. He’s interviewed and written about presidents, celebrities, and notable historical events such as Watergate, and figures, including being the first to interview Mark Chapman, the person who murdered John Lennon.

Peter Richardson: Notable Author Explores Hunter S. Thompson & Literary Work Beyond Gonzo

Peter Richardson has written critically acclaimed books about Hunter S. Thompson, the Grateful Dead, Ramparts magazine, and radical author/editor Carey McWilliams. “Savage Journey” is Richardson’s recently released book, a biography about Hunter S. Thompson that critically explores Thompson’s process, and the contributions of the work itself.

Mandy Ingber – Yogalosophy, Self Wisdom, & Gifts From Stars

Mandy Ingber, The New York Times best-selling author of Yogalosophy: 28 Days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover and  Yogalosophy For Inner Strength: 12 Weeks to Heal Your Heart and Embrace Joy, is a celebrity fitness and wellness expert.

Phil Raeihle – Near Silence to Sound: Cochlear Implant Journey

Phil lost the majority of his hearing when he was 9 years old. In 2018 he began his return to hearing journey receiving his first cochlear implant.

James Dylan: Electric Voice of Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience

James Dylan is the power and electric voice for Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience. This band has toured the world, and celebrated 10 years of sharing the joy and music of Led Zeppelin. Artist, photographer, designer, and dreamer, this episode is full of inspiration!

David Richman: Endurance Athlete Cycles 4,700 Miles To Connect Cancer Stories

David is an author, public speaker, philanthropist, and endurance athlete. In his book, “Cycle of Lives,” David shares interconnected stories of people overcoming trauma from emotional journeys with cancer.

Josh Rose: Breaking Generational Ranks, Leaving Rabbinical Life, & Creating New Rituals

Rabbi Josh Rose started Co/Lab: Growing Creative Jewish Portland, after over a decade as a synagogue rabbi. He hailed from multiple generations of rabbis, and first to carve a divergent non-rabbinical path.

Steve Spatz – BookBaby, Self-Publishing & Beauty of Authentic Stories

Steven Spatz is a writer, marketer, and the President of BookBaby, the nation’s leading self-publishing services company. After a long career in direct marketing with Fortune 500 companies including Mattel and Hasbro, he joined AVL Digital in 2004 to lead the direct-to-consumer marketing teams for music industry-leading brands Disc Makers, Oasis, and CD Baby.